Truck Insurance For Young Drivers

Truck Insurance For Young Drivers
Truck Insurance For Young Drivers
If you are a newly passed HGV driver, then you will invariably want to get out working as quickly as possible. Taking your HGV test can take some considerable time, and be quite a costly exercise. The HGV driving test is in two parts. Firstly you will take your Class II which is for rigid vehicles, if you buy and sell then you will need HGV motor trade insurnace under 25 years old. Once you have passed this you can move on to take your Class I HGV driving test, which is for articulated vehicles. Both of these stages require you to pass the test, and then send your licence off. Once you have passed both of these stages, you will more than likely want to be working, however some insurers to view younger drivers as a higher risk, as they have limited or no experience driving large vehicles. Certain insurers can apply significant loadings for younger drivers. This is not dissimilar to car insurance, where we have seen significant increases for drivers under the age of 21 and 25.
How Do I Get Cheap Truck Insurance For Young Drivers
Specialist brokers are available and they will have good relationships with the insurers, and each is dealt with on a case by case basis. If a broker fully understands your business, he can present this to an insurer and negotiate a good deal on your behalf. Certain insurers do not have an appetite for this type of risk, and therefore will price themselves out by applying significant loadings. These loadings can be up to 60 or 80%.
HGV Motor trade insurance under 25 For Young Drivers
As a newly passed driver, you may want to try your hand at some continental work.Why do you need cover. Because it is the law This can make the policy extremely expensive because your age will carry a loading, as will the type of work, and it may be such that the costings become too high. Other older drivers, with a good track record, will be seen as having more experience and knowledge, and therefore less of a liability. However, one or two insurers are flexible on this issue, and it may be possible to negotiate a rate if you have a good track record. Motor trade insurance under 25 would cover you if you were trading trucks. However for continental work the bulk of this will be a single drop in Europe, and you will pick up a back load and return to the UK. To summarise, truck insurance for young drivers is available, but only in a narrow market, and it can be an expensive exercise.
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